
SEO Ranking Factors for Ecommerce Websites

Today, Promoting a e-commerce website is not an easy task because doing SEO for E-commerce or shopping site is quite difficult. It is also not an easy task to boost sales from e-commerce site. Today people looking an authorise, ranked and low cost offered sites to take an action for online purchase.

Means we need focus on ranking, authority and also costing of the products while going to promote e-commerce website. While in other website we only need to focus on ranking.

Is SEO required for E-Commerce Websites?

Not only for e-commerce business, SEO is required for any online business. Without SEO you can’t step up in online business. Even for paid marketing (Google AD, Video Ad, Social Media Ad ), You need to first optimise your website.

Let’s look at some interesting facts –

  • According to nChannel, 44 % of online buyer traffic comes from search engines to e-commerce.
  • According to SEMrush, 37.5 % of all eCommerce traffic comes from search results.
  • According to Business Insider, 23.6 % of e-commerce orders come from organic traffic.

However, if you still haven’t focused on e-commerce SEO ranking, then you’re losing a huge business on your table.

So let’s get started with actionable strategies of SEO for ecommerce websites.

SEO Ranking Factors for E commerce Websites

Typically, there’re list of main SEO factors that are essential for ecommerce websites to rank higher in the search engine result pages.

  1. Keyword researches for e commerce website
  2. The architecture of e commerce website
  3. On-page SEO factors for e commerce website
  4. Technical SEO factors for e commerce website
  5. Content marketing for e commerce website
  6. Link building strategies for e commerce website
  7. Product stock for E-commerce Business
  8. Speed of E-commerce Business

Let’s dive into deep regarding these SEO ranking factors for ecommerce website.

Keyword Researches for E commerce Websites

Keyword research is the most important part of ecommerce SEO campaign. Keyword research helps you understand other SEO-related jobs you will need to do on your ecommerce website. For example, keywords will help you optimize your product and category pages on your ecommerce website.

Additionally, your list of keywords also helps you set your technical SEO efficiently. Therefore, your ecommerce website architecture and URLs need to take keywords into account.

However, keyword research is the biggest deal for your ecommerce website. You should definitely consider choosing keywords that match your customer’s search term and help your customer to find your products seamlessly.

Now, if you have enough keywords for your ecommerce business, you might be confusing which keywords you should choose. Here’re 4 steps you can identify your best keywords for your ecommerce website.

  • Search volume of your keywords
  • Keyword product matching
  • Transactional search intent
  • Keyword competition

Architecture for Ecommerce Website

Website architecture is an important SEO influencing factor for any website including ecommerce. Website architecture is typically the structure of pages on your website. It’s very much important in ecommerce website how the pages are arranged and organized.

An ecommerce website bears significantly more pages than any average blog or business site. With a huge number of pages, it’s critical that your website architecture makes it easy for your customers as well search engines to find all of your pages.

There’re 2 rules of thumb to keep in mind while setting up an ecommerce website’s architecture.

  • Rule of thumb # 1 – keep all things simple and scalable.
  • Rule of thumb # 2 – your all pages should be within 3 or fewer clicks from your site’s homepage.

A typical well-optimized ecommerce site architecture should be as follows –

Homepage –              category –            subcategory       product 1

product 2

category –            subcategory       product 1

product 2

On-Page SEO for Ecommerce Website

On completion of setting up ecommerce website architecture, it’s time to optimize your site’s category and product pages. In most ecommerce businesses, these 2 types of pages generate the major part of traffic and sales.

Keyword optimization on your ecommerce category and product pages is crucial for ranking higher in the search results. A properly optimized ecommerce page should have contents with

  • Perfect title tags
  • Description tags
  • At least 1000 words of content on the product and category page using keywords 3 to 5 times.

Technical SEO factors for ecommerce website

Technical SEO is an important factor for all types of websites. But it’s double important for ecommerce websites. Ecommerce websites are prone to have a huge number of pages and all of these pages increase the changes that may encourage technical SEO issues.

A huge number of ecommerce competitors are racing to rank higher in the search results. Many ecommerce pages don’t have a high amount of backlinks. Therefore, technical SEO could be often a tiebreaker on the search engine’s first page.

For example, if your ecommerce web pages have similar authority as your competitor, an optimized perfect technical SEO can make a difference between rank #1 and rank # 2.

Here’s is a list of a few technical SEO issues you should definitely consider to fix them.

  • Too many pages
  • Duplicate content
  • Thin content
  • Website speed

Content marketing for ecommerce website

Content marketing is the most powerful way to get a lot of targeted traffic as well as sales. But you’ll need to understand the in-depth strategies to use your content for ranking higher and getting more traffic to your ecommerce website.

Here’s a proven step-by-step guide to content marketing for ecommerce sites.

  • Find where your prospective customers are mostly hanging out online.
  • Understand the keywords and phrases your customers often use.
  • Create amazing contents using your recognized keywords.

Link building strategies for e commerce website

Building quality links is also an important SEO ranking factor for ecommerce websites. Diverse strategies can be adopted for building quality links in your ecommerce sites. Here’re 2 proven strategies you can follow to acquire backlinks or you can experiment with your own strategy depending on your business type.

Strategy 1

  • Find expired and outdated resources.
  • Create a list of pages of outdated and expired resources.
  • Send emails to the website owner and get links.

Strategy 2

  • Find Facebook groups and watch events inside the groups.
  • Search for events that might need your products.
  • Connect to the event management organizers or people who are hosting the events.
  • Send your products.
  • Stay connected with the event organizers.
  • Send thanking letters and ask to work together on the future events.

I hope this article will help you a lot to understand the overall SEO ranking factors for ecommerce websites. Now, let me know which strategy or method is the best according to your business type.

HTSM Technologies Pvt. Ltd. offers complete e commerce solutions including e commerce website development and guaranteed SEO services at very competitive and affordable price.

Salient features of our e commerce SEO services-

  • 100 % white hat SEO techniques.
  • Improvement reports on every 15 days.
  • Every day work update.
  • No need to pay unless or until completely satisfied.
  • Global standards service with the lowest cost.

Contact HTSM Technologies Pvt. Ltd. to get any kind of help regarding your ecommerce business.

About the author

After a long journey on this platform, I am happy to say that I am making a place in our customers' hearts, which was my ambition. A great thanks to my team and customers, through which I have achieved success. I have been struggling for a long time to catch up with the market and satisfy our customers through our services and support.

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