
What is the development cost of a grocery app in India?

The development cost of a grocery app may range from Rs 20000 to Rs 45000 depending on the various factors such as required time, manpower, technologies and developer’s reputation.

Whether you want to buy your medicines online, or your cooking spices, apps became a part of our daily lives nowadays. Easy accessibility of the internet through phones gave us a huge opportunity to explore diverse types of online stores and purchase whatever we need from our comfort zones using apps.

In today’s global app market grocery apps are gaining a lot of interest. These apps decrease the hassles of traveling, blocking on traffics, finding out parking areas, buying products in crowded spaces, and standing out in a long check-out queue, and make the buying process simple and safe.

Many businesses are getting interested in developing grocery delivery app to utilize the demand and make a high profit. But what is the development cost of a grocery app in India?

Before we try to find out the real cost of developing a grocery app, it’s worth knowing the factors that influence the cost. So, let’s get started with some important factors of grocery apps.

Features of Grocery Delivery Apps at Same Cost

As grocery businesses try to include the maximum number of home items into the app, therefore, the list of features is quite broad and complex. The must-have features of a grocery shopping app can be divided majorly into 3 parts – customer’s side, vendor’s side, and admin’s side. Let’s look into the set of features one by one.

Features required on the customer’s side within the application

  • Sign in and sign up – the first interaction screen is the registration and sign-in. To make the process easier, social media integrations are widely used in this step.
  • Profile managing – in this feature, users can manage their profile with certain details such as contact number, payment details, and so on.
  • Product exploring and listing – a large number of products should be enlisted for the buyers to choose from.
  • Search and filter – search and filter helps customers to find out something they need or want to buy through the grocery app.
  • Add to cart and checkout – these features ease the ordering process.
  • Payment integration – payment gateway integration is an important feature to collect payments from customers. Make sure your app allows multiple payment options to ease the buying process.
  • Discount coupons – your app should have discount coupons feature so that you can give discounts on several products time to time.
  • Order history – your grocery app should have the facility to show the previous order history.
  • Delivery tracking – real-time tracking of delivery is a powerful feature to engage customers and improve the customers’ experience.
  • Review and ratings – your grocery app should have a place where your customers can share their experiences.
  • Customer support and help – this feature allows your customers to reach your support team whenever they face any issue.

Features required on the vendor’s side within the application

  • Notifications – all the order information including new and canceled should be notified to the vendors via push notifications.
  • Delivery request – delivery partners should have the freedom to reject or accept a trip due to any reason.
  • Map integration – with the integrated map feature vendors know where the delivery point is precious.
  • Set availability – vendors should be given a feature to set the availability of products and when to accept orders. 
  • Delivery time – this feature allows vendors to know about the preferred delivery time of the customers.
  • Work history – this feature helps vendors to get an idea about their performance at the end of the day.
  • Invoice and reports – your application should show each and every invoice and report regarding total deliveries.
  • Reviews and ratings – vendors should have the facility to review and rate the experience. 
  • Customer support and help – vendors should be allowed to connect with your team while they face any problem.
  • Features required on the admin’s side within the application
  • Product managing – admins should be able to change all product features such as add new, remove, and more.
  • User managing – admins should have a feature to add or remove any user or change the status.
  • Order managing – this feature allows admins to handle the orders within the application.
  • Delivery managing – this is an important feature that allows admins to control the whole delivery process.
  • Passwords resetting – admins should have a database of password resets that are available to the customers and vendors.
  • Controlling of the app and website – admins are the most important part of any apps. Admins can add, remove, and edit almost all the elements and features within the app as well as the website.
  • Payment managing – all the payments including refunds should be under the control of the admins. 
  • Campaign managing – admins should have the required features to handle campaigns through SMS, social media, and emails to attract users to the application.
  • Discounts and promotions – admins should have the features to run discount and promotional offers throughout the whole application.  

The Technology Stack Used in the Development of Grocery Apps

Technology stack may vary from business to business depending on the required features and the size of the budget. While reaching third-party solutions, the technology stack could play a vital role in the overall cost of the development of a grocery app in India.

Here is a list of tools that are often used to developing grocery apps –

  • Voice, SMS, and phone verification – Twilio, Nexmo
  • Push notifications –, Twilio
  • Payments – PayPal, EWallets, Stripe
  • Cloud environment – Google, AWS, Azure
  • Database – Hbase, MongoDB, Postgress, Mail Chimp Integration  
  • Real-time analytics – Spark, BigData, Hadoop, Cisco, Apache Flink, IBM

The Development Cost of a Grocery App in India

The exact number of cost for developing a grocery app can only be estimated after analyzing the requirements and expectations of the business. In general, with the most common features and technological stacks, the development cost of a grocery app in India may range from rs 20000 to rs 45000. But again, the cost may widely vary depending on the personalized requirements of the business.

Final words

Grocery apps are gaining more popularity day by day and the opportunity is huge. You don’t need a big budget at the starting level of your business. You can start your business with a low budget as well.

HTSM Technologies Pvt. Ltd. offers complete app development services including grocery app development at a very affordable price. If you are interested to develop a grocery app with the budget, contact our support team to know how we can help you. 

About the author

After a long journey on this platform, I am happy to say that I am making a place in our customers' hearts, which was my ambition. A great thanks to my team and customers, through which I have achieved success. I have been struggling for a long time to catch up with the market and satisfy our customers through our services and support.

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