recharge api company

Which is the best recharge API company in India?

I’m not here to promote or defame any API service provider company. Instead of that I would write some crucial points based on that you’ll be able to decide which is the best recharge API company. HTSM Technologies Pvt Ltd is a branded company with a decade long successful pan Indian business presence. Quickrecharge is a brainchild of HTSM. By working with HTSM from the very beginning I got a scope to know various types of API service providers and that’s how gained a vast experience of API provider’s good and bad business practices.

Indian market is full of recharge API providers who deals in B2B or B2C recharge portal. These companies typically offers APIs at different prices, commissions and terms and conditions. Few of API providers gives flat commission of 2% to 3% or more. Some will give you operator wise margin. Some will ask you to deposit security amount. When there are so many options available it’s really difficult to decide which offer is suitable for your business.
Before choosing your API partner please verify the conents mentioned below-

  1. B2B or B2C friendliness : If you deal in B2C structure then you should adopt fully web based API because you don’t have to share profit for every transaction. On the other hand for B2B business structure you may choose a mix of web based and SIM based operators because in this highly competitive market you want 100% recharge success but keep in mind that the transaction time shouldn’t exceed 5–10sec in pick hours.
  2. Customised offers: Does your API provider have the customized offers according to your requirement? Does the API provider gives you balance or technical service provide on holidays ? If the answer is yes, then go for that API service provider.
  3. Range of APIs- You must know that there are various types APIs are available in the market, like- flight (Domestic & International), hotel (Domestic & international), Bus, Gift voucher, Domestic money transfer etc. It proves the expertise of the API service providing company over thir business.
  4. Core Value- If the company’s core value doesn’t comply with the B2B & B2C user’s requirement then I guarantee you they won’t last long in this tough market. Because most of these recharge providers don’t have their own application for retailers/distributor/B2C user. That’s why they don’t understand your pain as they are not dealing the way you will be dealing with your user.
  5. Are they startup friendly: In 2020 most the people is trying to start their own venture and most them couldn’t afford to buy such big chunk of balance nor can have the surety of huge transaction. To encourage the start up culture they must a customized plan for startups.

As I’ve written at beginning of the article that I’m not here to defame any API service provider but I’d recommend the best one for you. But the points are very much valid if you are in the recharge business. HTSM has structured Quickrecharge in such way that their clients don’t face the problems mentioned above. What else do you want from your API provider? To know more about the plans or any question about Quickrecharge, then Contact us now!!!

About the author

After a long journey on this platform, I am happy to say that I am making a place in our customers' hearts, which was my ambition. A great thanks to my team and customers, through which I have achieved success. I have been struggling for a long time to catch up with the market and satisfy our customers through our services and support.

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